It’s hard to believe that I’m down to final 7 months before the big day. As chaotic as the wedding planning maybe, I must say I’m looking forward to marrying my best friend.
Here is a sneak peak of our engagement photo shoot. We decided to get all sentimental and take our photos at the first place we ever laid eyes on each other, our kindergarten class!
(update: you can check out bridal shower, wedding and honeymoon adventure here)
love the blog
you are a great writer
keep wriritng
Pictures are so, so cute. Great idea and you look so pretty in them!
Thats awesome you guys! All the best!
Ms Solarski! I remember this picture!!! HOLY COW we were tiny!
That is so darn cute. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anybody meeting in kindergarten. What a great choice of locations for your engagement photos.
Bookmarked your fantastic website. Fabulous work, unique way with words!